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What can architects do for the climate?

Administrator News

An architect is one of the first links in the process of creating new developments. For this reason, their work is crucial from the perspective of climate change. Right from the design stage, the architect should plan a building that not only offers full functionality, but also follows environmental standards and trends.

Why does building certification play a key role in the energy transition?

Administrator News

The construction industry is making efforts to respond to the climate crisis in a variety of ways – some more effective, others slightly less so. The scale of change in light of the energy transition needs to be impressive, and green certificates have been helping with this for years. Find out why building certification is an opportunity for a better tomorrow for us and future generations.

Main advantages of large glazing

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Contemporary architecture is all about glass and metal. It is characterised by very large glazing and the resulting panoramic views. What are the advantages of using large windows in residential and commercial buildings?

Key features of sustainable office buildings

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Green construction is undoubtedly a forward-looking trend in the construction industry. Awareness of the climate change to which the sector contributes means that environmental sustainability is taken into account in more and more construction projects. This aspect has significantly changed the perception of, for example, office buildings from the point of view of their functionality.

Passive and energy-efficient solutions for hotels

Administrator News

The hotel industry is currently facing major challenges. Although the passion for travel is still there, the expectations of hotel guests are changing, with an increasing focus on flexibility, personalisation and ecology. How can we show them that the hotel is committed to sustainability?

Architecture closer to nature. How to design it?

Administrator News

The ecological aspect is of key importance in contemporary architecture. Architects, developers, contractors and end users alike are more and more likely to follow the rules of sustainability. Apart from the frequent use of renewable energy solutions, technologies that aim to lower energy consumption, reduce the carbon footprint and bring the building and its users closer to the environment are implemented as early as the design stage of buildings. What path will architecture follow in the face of advancing climate change and the global aspiration to reduce the carbon footprint effectively?

Seven sustainable construction solutions for housing cooperatives

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Sustainable construction does not only apply to newly erected buildings. It also refers to the modernisation of those already in place to make them more environment-friendly and improve the well-being of those using them. We present sustainable building solutions that can be used by housing cooperatives and other entities.

Modern fire protection solutions in architecture

Administrator News

Fire protection is a priority in the modern construction industry. The solutions in this area must not only offer the highest level of safety, but also be environment-friendly and provide aesthetic consistency with the rest of the building. Find out the biggest challenges for fire protection in modern, glazed buildings.

Print your house. What is 3D architecture?

Administrator News

A 180-metre high river dam, a barracks, or a housing development made with a 3D printer? It's not a science fiction film – it's already happening! The application of 3D printing is on the rise not only in 3D modelling, but also in the creation of full-scale building structures.

5 ways to make a building more green

Administrator News

As many as 75% of buildings in the European Union are energy inefficient and only 1% of existing structures are renovated each year. For this reason, the EU has initiated a wave of renovations to make the existing buildings more green.

Sustainable buildings and corporate social responsibility

Administrator News

Today, you can hardly imagine a socially responsible business that does not pay attention to climate change and the impact their activities exert on the environment. This is one of the strongest trends under CSR, a concept addressed to a great extent by sustainable buildings. Both investors and architects should bear it in mind.

Select your windows with environmental protection and energy optimisation in mind

Administrator News

Sky-rocketing prices of energy and gradual, yet imminent, climate changes are forcing building designers and structural engineers to consider the matter of energy consumption in the created spaces to a greater extent than ever before. One of the basic elements of energy demand management is the selection of appropriate windows. What are the solutions to care about the environment and financial resources of investors and future users in the most effective manner?

How has the concept of sustainable construction developed over the past decades?

Administrator News

Sustainable construction is a set of actions and solutions with the aim of reducing or completely eliminating the negative impact of buildings on the environment. We have heard more about it in recent years, but the origins of this trend date back to the 1970s.
The traditional building model took into account three basic elements: utility, durability and comfort. In the case of sustainable construction, the environmental aspect is also taken into consideration. However, before this could happen, many years passed before we understood how significantly the construction industry affects the environment and then to develop appropriate rules and standards to counteract this impact.