Competition Rules


§1 General Provisions

  1. The organiser of the" Building of the Year created with ALUPROF Systems 2022-2024 Competition", hereinafter referred to as the ‘competition’, is ALUPROF SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA, hereinafter referred to as ‘ALUPROF’.  
  2. The rules of the competition are set out herein and are hereinafter referred to as the ‘rules’. 
  3. The competition runs from 06.05.2024 to 15.07.2024. 
  4. The purpose of the competition is to identify the most architecturally interesting buildings where aluminium systems by ALUPROF have been used, to promote contemporary architecture and to create a forum for both its presentation and the discussion of the latest architectural designs and completed projects. 
  5. The competition is open to the public and covers buildings constructed between 1st January 2022 and 30th June 2024 and featuring ALUPROF systems. In order for a building to be entered for the competition, its façade must have been completed. It is permissible for finishing works to still be in progress. 
  6. Any and all information concerning the competition can be found at and

§2 Participation

  1. The competition is intended for architects whose designs featuring ALUPROF systems were, or will have been, built between 1st January 2022 and 30th June 2024, and whose entry and the building entered meet the conditions set out in these rules.  There is no limit to the number of buildings an architect may submit. 
  2. Members of the jury may not take part in the competition. 
  3. The condition for participating in the competition is to have designed a building as set out under item 1 and to submit it as an entry. 
  4. Entries are made by filling in the entry form as set out under item 7. 
  5. The deadline for the submission of entries is 15.07.2024. 
  6. The online entry form should be used to submit entries, which should be send by e-mail or post. The completed form should be sent by the deadline for submissions, which is to say, by 15.07.2024. Once an entry has been verified, its acceptance will be confirmed in a separate e-mail. 
  7. The entry should be completed in accordance with the instructions provided on the website at or This means providing: the exact details of the architect, in other words, their given name and surname/name of the architectural practice, legal form, address, telephone number and e-mail address; the exact details of the person submitting the entry, namely, their given name and surname/name of the architectural practice, legal form, address, telephone number and e-mail address; and the details of the building, which is to say, its name, the developer’s name, the contractor’s name, the building's address and the name of the ALUPROF system(s) used. Photographic documentation of the building should also be appended. A general view of the building in its setting is required. The minimum pixel size is 2400 by 1600. 
  8. Entries should include the consent of the author(s) of the building to the use of the photograph(s) mentioned under item 7 as required for the competition and for other marketing requirements, as well as their consent to the processing of their personal data, which is to say, the given name and surname of the author or architectural practice, the name of the contactor, the name of the developer and the name of the author of the photograph(s) of the building being entered, for the competition and purposes related to it. 
  9. In entering the competition, the entrant consents to the publication of the materials submitted in the media and their use for marketing purposes. A declaration to this effect is made via the entry form or by sending it by post. 
  10. A third party who is not the author of a building may enter it for the competition, provided that they are authorised by the author(s) to do so and that they have the author(s) consent both to the use of the work in question for the purposes of the competition and to the publication of the materials submitted to the competition in the media. Third parties submitting an entry are obliged to provide the organiser with a declaration made by the architect(s) on whose behalf they are submitting the entry in order for them to participate in the competition. It should contain the consent of the architect(s) to the person submitting the entry’s making declarations on their behalf in matters concerning the competition, including the declarations stipulated under items 8 and 9 and in §5 items 1, 2 and 8 of these rules. The person submitting the entry should include the consent to the processing of their personal data and the consent of the author(s)/co-author(s) of the building to the processing of their personal data, which is to say, the given name and surname of the author or architectural practice, the name of the contactor, the name of the developer and the name of the author of the photograph(s) of the building being entered, for the competition and purposes related to it. 
  11. The person submitting the entry is obliged to provide the names of all the authors/co-authors of the building being submitted. The submission of an entry is the entrant’s declaration to that effect. The provisions of item 10 shall be applied as appropriate. 
  12. ALUPROF shall not be liable to any third party for the content of an entry submitted on their behalf by a third party.

§3 Prizes

  1. The following three prizes will be awarded in the competition, one for each of the people selected in the manner set out under §4: a) the winner will receive a prize of PLN 50,000; b) the runner-up will receive a prize of PLN 30,000;  c) the third place will receive a prize of PLN 15,000. 
  2. The prizes will be paid within thirty days of the announcement of the results by way of a bank transfer to the bank account indicated by the winners. 
  3. The prizes awarded in the competition may be subject to income tax pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Act. Should a prize be won by a person who does not run any form of business, ALUPROF will pay the appropriate tax and issue the winner in question with the relevant confirmation. In the event of a prize being won by a sole trader, the tax obligations relating to the prize will be borne by the winner. 
  4. The architects of the ten buildings selected as finalists will receive a certificate of commendation.

§4 The course of the competition

  1. The selections from the entries will be made by the competition jury, which will consist of architects, representatives of the trade press and people active in the architecture and construction sectors. The full composition of the jury can be seen at The members of the jury give their separate consent to the processing of their personal data, which is to say, their given name and surname, academic degree/title, profession and photograph, for the competition and purposes related to it, including publication on the website. 
  2. Once the deadline for the submission of entries has passed, the organiser prepares all the accepted entries and accompanying documentation and then selects a shortlist of fifty works. The jury’s discussions will be held from July to September 2024. The results will be announced at an awards ceremony in October 2024.
  3. The competition is divided into three stages: a) during the first stage, the organiser selects a shortlist of fifty works from the entries,  b) at the second stage, the jury will pick ten finalists from the shortlist, c) the third stage sees the jury selecting the three winning works from the finalists. Each of the three works will receive one of the prizes set out under §3.
  4. All the authors of the fifty shortlisted buildings can take part in the aforementioned awards ceremony.  ALUPROF will send invitations, including the date and place, to those involved.
  5. The results of the first stage will be published on within fifteen days of the deadline for the submission of applications. The results of the second and third stages will be announced at the aforementioned awards ceremony.

§5 Internet Users’ Vote for the Most Interesting Building 2022-2024

  1. From 16.07.2024 to 16.08.2024, Internet users will be able to vote online on the competition website, at Their vote will be for the most interesting of all the buildings entered for this year’s competition.
  2. Visitors to the website will only be able to vote once. A prize draw will be held for the people who voted for the building which takes first place. Ten names will be drawn and the winners will receive an in-kind prize from ALUPROF. 
  3. The architect whose building receives the highest number of votes will receive the title of Internet Users’ Accolade. 

§6 Final provisions

  1. The winning buildings will be featured in the trade and general media. The presentations may include information concerning the materials by ALUPROF used in the buildings, the name of the developer, the given name and surname of the designer(s) and the name of the contractor. In submitting an entry, the entrants give their consent to this.
  2. ALUPROF acquires the right to use the details and materials concerning the winning buildings and other finalists for the purposes of publishing them and presenting them at exhibitions in Poland and abroad, for an unspecified period of time, retaining the copyrights thereto. In submitting an entry to the competition, the entrants give their consent to this.
  3. Any questions concerning the competition should be addressed to
  4. The rules shall come into force as of 6 May 2024. The text of these rules is available from ALUPROF’s head office or on the website.
  5. The advertising materials for the competition are purely informational. Only the provisions of these rules are binding.
  6. Participation in the competition is tantamount to the acceptance of the rules. 
  7. Participants entering the competition give their consent to: a) the presentation of the building entered for the competition, in accordance with items 1 and 2, b) the processing of their personal data, which is to say, their given name and surname, profession and place of employment, for the purposes of the competition.
  8. Any and every dispute arising in the course of the competition and not provided for under these rules shall be settled by the organiser.
  9. Every participant has the right to lodge a complaint with the organiser concerning the manner in which the competition is being, or was, run. Complaints should be lodged in writing within seven days of the end of the competition. 
  10. The organiser reserves the right to amend the rules.
  11. In matters unregulated by the rules, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.

§7 Protection of personal data

  1. Data in the form of given names, surnames, company names, e-mail address, postal codes, place names, street names, building numbers and telephone numbers provided on the competition entry form will only be used to verify an entrant’s participation in the design / construction of the building being entered; to confirm that an entry has been accepted; to make contact should it prove necessary to supplement / clarify the information essential to the acceptance of an entry or its presentation on the competition website,, or to deal with any other imprecisions in the information; and to make contact concerning other crucial matters relating to a design’s participation in the competition.
  2. The data in the form of the e-mail address provided on the entry form will only be used to make contact in the event that the entrant’s name features in the Internet Users’ Vote draw for one of the in-kind prizes mentioned in the rules. A user’s provision of their personal data is completely voluntary. However, the failure to provide such data will make it impossible to submit a completed entry form or, in the case of the Internet Users’ Vote, to submit a vote.
  3. The personal data listed under items 1 and 2 are processed on the basis of Article 6 item 1 (f) of the GDPR*, which is to say, for the purposes of ALUPROF’s legitimate interests. At any time, the data subject may, for reasons connected with their specific situation, object to the processing of their data on that basis.
  4. The personal data controller is ALUPROF SA, ul. Warszawska 153, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, telephone: +48 33 819 53 00, e-mail:
  5. The personal data supplied by users will only be disclosed to ALUPROF SA staff members and the external provider of administration services to the competition website. Users’ personal data may also be disclosed to the relevant authorities, inasmuch as they are empowered to require this by the applicable law.
  6. We would like to inform users that their personal data will be neither transferred to any third country / international organization, nor will they be subject to automated processing, including profiling, within the meaning of Article 22 of the GDPR.
  7. Personal data will be processed while the competition is in progress and then archived until a request for their erasure is sent to The data of the designers of the buildings entered for the competition and posted on the website together with the photographs of the buildings will remain visible on this site after the competition has ended. The data of people taking part in the Internet Users Vote will be erased after the prize draw provided for in the rules has been held and the prizes have been delivered.
  8. Information regarding a request for the erasure of data, together with the data, may be stored for another three years for evidentiary purposes and erased after that period.
  9. At any time, a person who has provided their data on the voting form or the competition entry form has the right to request ALUPROF SA to provide them with access to their personal data or to rectify the data or restrict its processing and has the right to object to the processing, as well as the right to transmit the data and obtain copies thereof. To this end, please send your request to
  10. A person who provides their details on the voting form or the competition entry form also has the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body, namely, the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
  11. A person who provides their details on the voting form or the competition entry form also has the right to contact the Controller’s Data Protection Inspector at, telephone: +48 33 819 53 00.
  12. Further information on the controller’s processing of personal data can be found at

* REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).